Because of your generosity, pictured below in the boxes are 258 school bags, 144 supplies kits, 8 Chromebooks, 2 tablets, 2 sanitization stations, and other supplies for our 2023 Back-to-school event.

Donations are packed and on their way to Jamaica!!
21 boxes will arrive by August for the Back-To-School Event

Thanks to Food For The Poor Jamaica, Food For The Poor Canada, Love and Power Ministries Deliverance Center Maryland, Dilly Chris, Teacher's Teammates, Chile Pleasa, Mr. and Mrs. Falden, Fastener Dimensions, Delair Elementary School, Jam Delivery, Dorrington Hunter, Paulette Lowe, Carl Atkinson, Tameka Solomon, Martene Taylor, Esolyn Atkinson, Steve Dickens and all the other donors who have contributed to our 2023 back to school event!!